Monday, 24 November 2008

Credit Crunch, the dollar short squeeze and its impact on China

Date: Wednesday 19th November, 2008

Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm

Followed by networking reception at D202

Venue: E171, New Theatre, East Building

Speaker: Louis Gave, CEO of GaveKal and MW Gavekal

Nikki Gorton, head of HR at Marshall Wace
Louis Gave is the Co-Founder of GaveKal, and, together with his partners, Charles Gave and Anatole Kaletsky, has built the firm up to become one of the pre-eminent providers of independent investment research on the Asian region and on global markets. He is now the CEO of Gavekal and MW GaveKal. A French national, he is a graduate of Duke University and studied Mandarin at Nanjing University. He is the author of A Roadmap for Troubling Times, Our Brave New World and The End is not Nigh. Louis is probably one of the most original thinkers on global macroeconomics issues, and Gavekal research is regarded highly in the industry as 'a fountain of original thinking.'

Louis will look at China in the context of the global financial crisis. The popping of the USD asset bubble caused a massive global deleveraging and dollar shortage, which forced a giant revaluation of the USD. China runs a giant current account surplus. This surplus was the result not just of deliberate currency undervaluation and export-oriented policies, but more importantly of China's governance deficit which systematically suppresses domestic consumption. He will explore the Chinese government's options to act under the crisis, with specific focus on China's gigantic individual surpluses and the sustainability of long-term growth.

For further information please contact Yiwen at

This is organized by China Development Society. To join, please email

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